About Sardinia

  »» where we are
  Sardinia is the second island in the Mediterranean sea for extension. Because of its geographic position in the middle of the Mediterranean sea and its resources, especially the mining resources, Sardinia has always represented the colonizers' destination. Sardinia is a very ancient island rich in history and legends and everywhere there are traces of human settlements dated from the Neolithic Age. The climate allows to have a very long summer season, from April to November.

Sardinia is politically divided into 4 provinces:

¬ Cagliari (CA)
¬ Nuoro (NU)
¬ Oristano (OR)
¬ Sassari (SS)

There are numerous geographical areas which are characterized by different territories such as Campidano, Sulcis, Iglesiente, Barbagie, Baronie, Logudoro, Gallura and many others. This is the reason that led to develop a wide range of uses, traditions and local dialects.
  Porto Rotondo


  »» gallery
Porto Rotondo lies 20 Km from Olbia-Costa Smeralda airport and 15 Km from the Port of Olbia, which provides ferry service. To explore the area by land taxi and rental services are available.

Portorotondo Marina,
Lat. 41°01,1' North - Long. 009°32,7' Est, situated in the northeastern coast of Sardinia, sheltered in a natural cove between Punta Nuraghe and Punta Volpe, offers the utmost comfort. The berths, equipped to satisfy the most demanding yachtsmen, can be rented for long or short periods, with a variety of options created to offer you the greatest freedom.

Porto Rotondo village surrounds the marina, with its typical red-roofed Mediterranean villas. The charming squares, elegant haunts, exclusive shop-windows and pleasant meeting places lend the village an atmosphere all its own. Bright and colourful, picturesque and cosmopolitan, Porto Rotondo is one by connoisseurs best loved resorts. A corner of paradise where the sea has the colour of precious stones: 55 Km of silken beaches, cliffs, secret coves and forgotten isles. A world to discover and to explore for an unforgettable holiday.

Porto Rotondo was not built to commonly accepted architectural standars. It is a work of art. Parts of the Village were created by famous italian artists, parts such as its small "village squares", the real heart of the town and the centre of the social life, real living rooms with an ocean view. San Marco square with it's granite flooring, designed by the the great sculptor Andrea Cascella; the lovely square designed by the scultor Sangregorio facing the fisherman's wharf; Rudalza designed by Mario Cerioli whose base is accented by the splendid and changing colours of the Sardinian sea. Outstanding in this "town of art" the extraordinary church whose interior decorations composed of over 2000 wooden sculptures by Mario Cerioli who laboured for over seven years and the amphitheatre also autored by the same artist. Sorrounding the squares, and under the porticoes are the stores, bars and restaurants.

The average temperature in Sardinia
- in every season of the year! -
makes your stay wonderful relaxing.

  Routes to discover
See the most beautiful routes in Sardinia  
  Restaurants LO STAZZO
Porto Rotondo (SS)
Tel.: 0789 34 837

Corso Umberto
145 Olbia (SS)
Tel.: 0789 24648
Località Sa Castanza
Berchideddu (SS)
Tel.: 335 7065508


Piazza Quadrata
Porto Rotondo (SS)
Tel.: 0789 35280


Via del Molo
Porto Rotondo(SS)
Tel.: 0789 35308

  Culture Museums of province Sassari 

 ¬ Museo Mineralogico - Alghero - via Don Minzoni, 159/c
 ¬ Museo Archeologico - Bonorva - p.zza Sant'Antonio
 ¬ Museo Mineralogico - Bortigiadas - v.le Trieste, 30
 ¬ Museo dell'Intreccio Mediterraneo - Castelsardo - Castello dei Doria, via Marconi
 ¬ Museo Archeologico ed Etnografico - Ittireddu via S. Giacomo
 ¬ Museo Archeologico "N. Lamboglia" - La Maddalena loc. Mongiardino
 ¬ Museo Nazionale Garibaldino - La Maddalena - Caprera
 ¬ Civico Museo Archeologico - Ozieri - p.zza Canonico Spano
 ¬ Collezione Archeologica Comunale - Padria - via Nazionale
 ¬ Museo Etnografico Archeologico - Palau - via Nazionale
 ¬ Museo Civico Archeologico e Paleobotanico - Perfugas via N. Sauro
 ¬ Antiquarium - Porto Torres - via Ponte Romano
 ¬ Esposizione "B. de Muro" - Tempio Pausania
 ¬ Biblioteca Comunale, Parco della Rimembranza
 ¬ Museo Comunale della Valle dei Nuraghi - Torralba via Carlo Felice
 ¬ Museo Comunale Archeologico - Viddalba - p.zza Angioj
  News of Sardinia http://www.sasardigna.com/  